Research topics
Phenology, Growth and Productivity
Monitoring budburst and foliage development Sessile oak and Scots pine budburst is monitored since 2013. Observations are made on 21 experimental plots of either monospecific sessile oak, monospecific Scots pine , or a mixture of both tree species. In the case of sessile oak in monospecific plots, the foliage development is also monitored indirectly thanks …
Resources use
Pros and Cons of Silvicultural Scenarios relative to Water and Nutrient Resources Forest nutrient cycle and water balance are investigated in most plots. Forest stand water balance is computed in all unfenced plots by measuring soil water content as a result of water inputs – rainfall, temporary water table and outputs – evapotranspiration. A …
Forest understory dynamics
What role do mammalian herbivores play in the regeneration of mixed forest stands and in understory vegetation dynamics? We study the effects of herbivores on forest understory dynamics by excluding the different groups of mammals using either 2-m high fences for excluding deer and wild boar, 2-m high fences with openings for allowing only …
What are the effects of tree species mixture and density of forest stands on biodiversity? We monitor species composition and abundance of several taxonomic groups using techniques adapted for each taxonomic group such as observations and trapping: vascular plants of the understory that is at the base of food webs; bryophytes: epiphytes (growing on …